Handling Time
Time to be an exploring Hedgehog!
Every evening they take me out to play for 30 minutes. I explore around for a while on the bed and then they move me to the couch. Then I get to sleep in Michael's jumper. This is a collection of tales of handling time.

The Missing Worm
Once upon a time there was a great and amazingly cute hedgehog, named Mr. Toffee, who was having handling time on the couch. Michael, his owner was about to feed him a worm when it squirmed through his fingers. Mr. Toffee went crazy, since he could smell the worm but not see or taste it. They both searched and searched, but their efforts were in vain.
Finally, after many minutes of searching, Mr. Toffee saw the worm and ate happily ever after.

The Hedgehog Chase
Once upon a time there was a great and all cute hedgehog, named Mr. Toffee, who was having handling time on the bed. Michael and his cousins were there too. All of a sudden Mr. Toffee felt the urge to be the dominant species and rampaged (more of waddled) across the bed, screaming his war cry (more like silently looking cute) and terrifying them. It was a long chase, and with every slight waddle the cousins would run with fear.
Finally, they surrendered and Mr. Toffee was satisfied.
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